Have You Asked Yourself "What If?" Lately?

Have You Asked Yourself "What If?" Lately?

Asking Ourselves The Big Questions

Sometimes we need to ask the big questions of ourselves and many of them start with "What If?" But are we looking in the right direction when we ask those questions? Are we asking the right "What Ifs?" or should we be considering them from a different angle. Here's a few to start with....

What if I had more time?

The real questions here are - What's taking up my time that isn't important to my life? What can I let go of to make room for the things that are fermenting away at the back of my mind? Why am I filling my life with clutter and and time consuming tasks that aren't enriching me?

There are certainly a million little things that we need to do to make life happen, but there are a lot of extras that we get caught up in because we think we should, because we think it's expected of us. What if we tried letting some of them go? The the question could really be "what do I really want to do with the time I've freed up?" So many of those little ideas would have time to blossom and who knows what might happen - maybe you'd start a blog!

What if I didn't have to work all the time?

The real questions are - Why do I work full time? What do I have in my life that requires me to spend so much time behind a desk (or wherever you work)? Have I filled my life up with things that cost me more money than I expected? Can I downsize my life a little and create a world that costs me less to maintain?

There are people who love their jobs and want to be working all day every day, but there are also a lot of people slogging away because they think they have no choice. Maybe we need to look at our lifestyles and see whether we have become too first world in our needs and wants. Reducing the size of your house, or the size of your car, or the number of toys or holidays you think you need can free up a lot of cash. Maybe then you can reduce your work hours and enjoy some of that time you have to spare.

What if I want to live simply? To drink coffee and watch the sunrise. #lifequotes

What if I could do or be anything I wanted?

The real questions are - Why am I not doing or being what I want to already? How have I become so trapped in a life that isn't making me as happy as I should be? What can I do to make my marriage better? What can I do to make my family life flourish? What bad habits do I need to break free from? Why am I too scared to pursue my dreams?

Courage and being prepared to take risks and maybe fail, are what we need to pursue our dreams. Staying stuck where we are isn't brave, it's just treading water and being surprised we're not moving forward. Life is short and who knows what tomorrow holds? I think it's time we asked the right questions and from there - 
we can "do what we want to do and be what we want to be...Yeah!" (as the Australian band The Masters Apprentices sang).

What Do You Think?

Do you think there are things in life you could be doing differently? Are you asking yourself the right questions? Do we need to look deeper when we ask ourselves "What If?"

Have You Asked Yourself "What If?" Lately?

Wisdom and Warmth - a blog for those looking for ways to live life in full bloom.