About Walled Garden Of The Soul

Walled Garden Of The Soul - who I am


I woke up recently to a deeper understanding of life. I've lived many decades with my self worth being based on how other people responded to me. If they were happy, I was happy.... if they were annoyed, distant, disgruntled, upset, or just plain out of sorts, it affected me too. 

What I've come to see is that I need more secure boundaries - a wall around myself with a gate that allows me to choose who to allow into my private space. I want to create a sense of wholeness and self containment that is solely on my terms, somewhere I feel safe and secure - at peace and at rest. Somewhere "still" where I can be myself and not be tossed and tumbled by the vagrancies of those around me.

I remembered those walled gardens, those secret places....filled with an abundance of cottage flowers, a small pond, a statue, a seat, somewhere quiet to visit to escape the chaos of the world around me. I wanted to create a walled garden for my soul - somewhere beautiful to soak up the stillness and not be visited by the chaos of others.


I hope you visit me in my garden, that you'll sit for a spell in this lovely space. That you'll find peace and rest for your soul too. That what I share here each week will resonate with you and leave you with a little wisdom and warmth to carry with you throughout your day.

Don't let the turmoil around you define how you see yourself, join me in creating a secret walled garden of your own and may peace dwell there with you.

Walled Garden Of The Soul - who I am