7 Quotes About Friendship

7 beautiful quotes about the importance of friendship.


We all need at least one true friend. Finding those special people who become our "tribe" is what brings us joy. Knowing who to hold tightly, and who to release because they don't have our best interests at heart, is the key to maintaining trust and connection.

Choose your friends wisely.....

I change myself and watch the things and people I attract #friendshipquotes

I don't cut people off. I check my energy and thoughts to see why I'm even attracting certain people. What are they teaching me about myself? ~ Idid Ahmed

The circle of women around us weave invible nets to carry us #friendshipquotes

The circles of women around us weave invisble nets of love that carry us when we're weak and sing with us when we are strong. ~ Sark

To know someone here or there with whom you can feel there is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts expressed That can make life a garden. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

To know someone here or there with whom you can feel there is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts expressed That can make life a garden. ~ Johann von Goethe

It's not about the fashions - it's about each other

It's not about the fashions, it's not about the attitudes - it's about each other ~ Zen to Zany

Some people make you laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighter, and your life a little better.

Some people make you laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighter, and your life a little better. ~ Anonymous

Surround yourself with people who know your worth. You don't need many people in your life, just the real ones who appreciate you for exactly who you are.

Surround yourself with people who know your worth. You don't need many people in your life, just the real ones who appreciate you for exactly who you are. ~ Unknown

Time and good friends are two things that get more valuable the older you get.

Time and good friends are two things that get more valuable the older you get.

Some Further Reading About Friendship

7 beautiful quotes about the importance of friendship.

Wisdom and Warmth - a blog for those looking for ways to live life in full bloom.