7 Quotes About Friendship

7 beautiful quotes about the importance of friendship.


We all need at least one true friend. Finding those special people who become our "tribe" is what brings us joy. Knowing who to hold tightly, and who to release because they don't have our best interests at heart, is the key to maintaining trust and connection.

Choose your friends wisely.....

7 Quotes About Contentment

7 Quotes about the being content with what we have - without comparison or envy.


Contentment comes from living simply, from gratitude for what you have, and from distancing yourself from envy and comparison.

Our world wants us to always be wanting more, instead of grasping and discontent, we need to appreciate all that we already have and give thanks every day for the blessings in our life.

Have you thought about what you're grateful for today?

5 Quotes About Forgiveness

5 Quotes about the importance of forgiveness - it brings healing, resolution, health, and joy.


Forgiveness clears the heart and the head - it gives us the permission we need to move forward with our lives - despite what may have happened, or who may have hurt us.

Forgiveness is a choice, and the power lies within us to choose peace over resentment and bitterness.

Choose Wisely....

What Does Abundance Mean To You?

What is true abundance? It's about seeing all that you already have and realizing that it is often more than you need.

What Does Abundance Really Mean?

It seems that in today's world we're all looking for an abundant life. I was thinking about what a rich and meaningful word "abundance" is......and then I got to thinking how the meaning of "abundance" changes depending on your world view and what you consider to be important in life. For some it's all about earning a big salary and being rich, for others it's about living a full and fruitful life, and that ties in with how you define "full and fruitful" - because some people seem to need more than others to feel a sense of contentment with what they have.